Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blog #5

1. My reaction to the video was of surprise and shock that there was actually no study to prove that steroids caused long term health issues for adult males. This video fails to talk about young males and females of any age using steroids and the effects to them. The video only interviews two adult males that have been using steroids for 20-40 years (off and on), but there are thousands of adult males steroid users out there that could have serious health problems. I do believe that steroids can be taken responsibly by those that know what could and what is happening to their body, and the possible side effects, but most people are responsible enough to make their own decisions.

2. Steroid use and distribution should be controlled and regulated by the government or some other agency. There should be an age limit to the use of steroids, maybe 25 when the body can handle them, by a licensed distributor. They should be banned in all high schools and colleges. They should also be banned in professional sports, national, and international competitions, and tests should be given before and after every event. I do not know a lot about body building competitions so I have no real opinion on their steroid rules.

Our culture has not pushed the demand for steroids. Our culture is based on honesty, freedom, and fairness, not on steroid use. Steroids are used by those who want an unfair advantage, they are cheating. If an athlete can not stand up to the pressure or standard, they he/she should leave or take a side seat, (coaching or training), before they use steroids. The non literal playing field of a sport is balanced when there is real and true sportsmanship, but when one, only one, person takes steroids the field becomes uneven and not real.

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